Michaels cuebid

A Michaels cuebid is a conventional bid which shows a two-suited hand. It was first devised by Mike Michaels.

The requirement for a Michaels cuebid is a two-suited hand with at least 5 cards in each suit. Point counts vary but most play with a range of 5-11 high card points with favourable vulnerability, stronger if vulnerability is unfavourable.

To use the convention, when the opponents make a one level opening, bid the same suit at the two level. There are two normal cases where this bid can be applied. Over an opponent's minor opening a cuebid shows both majors. For example, 1♣-2♣ shows hearts and spades. Over an opponent's major opening a cuebid shows the other major and a minor suit. For example, 1♠-2♠ shows hearts and either clubs or diamonds. Partner can make a 2NT relay bid to find out what the minor suit is.


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